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AFON Mentoring 

If you've read all of our Careers Hub resources and would like some more personalised, tailored advice, you might want to join our Mentoring scheme. We can partner you with one of our mentors - conservation professionals working in the sector who are here to help you develop the skills needed to progress in conservation! Find out more about our mentors below and if you'd like to be assigned a mentor follow the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Writing, Art and Media

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Julia Migné (she/her)

Julia is a conservationist and communicator who uses her skills to share stories about nature to inspire, educate, entertain and empower people all over the world. Julia is also the co-founder of INKLINE, an international media platform, which features positive news and interviews with go-getters championing sociocultural causes.

Education and Engagement

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Joshua Da Cruz (he/him)

Josh is a tutor for the Field Studies Council, helping students of all ages engage with nature and complete their outdoor fieldwork. He has had a range of roles within the conservation sector, as well as completing an MSc in Biodiversity and Conservation at the University of Southampton. He would love to see more people actively involved with nature and conservation. 

Science and Policy

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Emily Cunningham MBE

Emily is a marine biologist and award-winning conservationist. She currently works for WWF leading their global river dolphin conservation initiative and has over a decade of conservation experience, both in the UK and overseas. She previously served on the Board of the Marine Conservation Society and is currently writing her first book.

Land Management and Conservation

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Rosie Teasdale (she/her)

Rosie has worked for Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) UK since 2007 in various role and has been Executive Director of the charity since March 2015. With an MSc in Conservation Biology, she has previously worked as Director of Wales Wildlife & Countryside Link (now Wales Environment Link)

How to get your AFON mentor:

1. Read the Mentoring Information Pack and Mentoring Agreement.

2. Fill in the Mentor Request form.

3. Our Careers & Mentoring Officer will contact your preferred

mentors in order and be in touch shortly to introduce you to your mentor. 


If you have any questions about the process or want to know more, please contact our Careers & Mentoring Officer at

we're looking for new mentors!

We would like to make our panel of mentors more reflective of the young people we hope to support. This means we'd love to hear from women, people in the LGBTQ+ community and from Black, Asian and ethnic minority individuals.

Please have a look at the Information Pack and Mentoring Agreement and fill in the New Mentor Application Form, if you are interested in becoming a Mentor.

If you have any further queries, please contact our Careers & Mentoring Officer at
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