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5 ways to Build a Wildlife Friendly Garden

The current state of our wildlife in the UK is a worrying one. It seems that almost every day we are being given a warning from experts regarding the future of our wildlife and how this will affect both them and us in the future. It can seem that us, as individuals would be unable to do anything to change this, however, if everybody does something small, it can turn out to have a big effect.

Lawn experts at Mowers Online, state that we are seeing more and more “gardeners [who] are doing their best to develop a bio-diverse garden that can make a comfortable home for our endangered wildlife”.

By creating a wildlife-friendly garden, we can all begin to play our part in helping to preserve the wildlife and give it a hope of thriving – or at least surviving in the future.

Here are five tips about how to build a garden, which is functional to you, can help to nurture our natural wildlife, won’t break the bank and can help to save the world.

1. Get a pond

The idea of getting a pond might seem to be quite extreme, but a pond can be done simply even with just a washing up bowl. Ponds are an excellent option because of the number of animals it can both attract and also help to sustain. Of course, you have the option of choosing the fish and plants that you want in your pond, helping to create a whole new ecosystem in your garden, but you will, however, also probably find that other wildlife such as birds and small mammals will visit your pond to both cool off in the water as well as play and drink.

A pond is an excellent idea for keeping your garden full of wildlife, vivacious, natural and healthy. You can top it up with rainwater and doesn’t require too much money being spent on it, or time to look after it.

2. Turn a fence into a hedge

Having a fence around the outside of the garden is great for dividing up land. However, replacing it with a hedge can be a great way to encourage wildlife in your garden. With a hedge instead of a fence, you will allow for small animals such as hedgehogs to get in and out, as well as provide valuable nutrients for other wildlife such as birds.

You also, still get your divide between properties. A hedge is relatively easy to construct and uphold. It can be planted and in a short amount of time, it will be large enough to give you some privacy in the garden. It also requires very little upkeep and is great for attracting new wildlife.

3. Meadow area

Try to leave an area of your garden to grow naturally. The great thing about this is that it requires no upkeep whatsoever (except maybe some watering every now and again) and it has the potential to attract a wide variety of wildlife and give your ecosystem a boost.

Leave the area to grow as it likes, with plants, logs and grasses without any human interference and allowing nature and wildlife to blossom and thrive in their natural environment.

You can also plant native wild flowers to help it along. They shouldn’t need any upkeep and should be able to do wonders for your meadow area, making it look and smell beautiful and helping your garden to attract millions of insects from butterflies to dragonflies, to bumblebees

4. Rockery

Some animals love a rockery. Worms and lizards are especially taken with a rocky area and they are both animals, which are vital in balancing and maintaining our British ecosystems.

A rockery can be created by developing an area with lots of rocks but also with big spaces between them to provide some animals places to hide, sleep and bask in the sun.

5. Logs and Woodpiles

Leave some areas with logs, and woodpiles where insects such as spiders, beetles and woodlice can hide. Leave damp and rotting wood, leaves and cuttings in this area where these important insects can hide.

These areas are also a great place to grow moss and fungus, which are also instrumental to a buzzing and healthy wildlife-friendly garden.

One of the best things about creating a natural, wildlife-friendly garden is that it is easy and inexpensive to set up and takes little time and effort to maintain. Looking after our wildlife is more important than ever before and by turning your garden into a haven for local wildlife you are taking a great step in the right direction.

Published by: Ruby Clarkson



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